Lively Ball Era (1920 to 1945)
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Irish & Bob Meusel at 1923 World Series
Benny Bengough, 1932
On Display - Wrigley Field, 1945 World Series
Rogers Hornsby, 1929
Paul Waner, 1927 World Series at Yankee Stadium
Jimmie Foxx, 1929
Ty Cobb as Player/Manager, 1924
Children with a Cop Sneaking a Peak, 1920
Zack Wheat, 1925
Murder's Row Infield, 1927
Gehrig and Ruth at League Park, 1927
Goose Goslin, Washington Senators
Joe Cronin, Washington Senators, 1933
Bill Dickey, New York Yankees
Babe Ruth, a Man of the People, 1922
Mickey Cochrane, 1936
Joe DiMaggio Rookie Spring Training, 1936
Jimmie Foxx Playing Third, 1941
Pittsburgh Crawfords Team, 1935
Satchel Paige, 1940's
Shibe Park, 1930
Wrigley Field Planting Ivy, 1937
Billy Herman, 1937
Who's on First, 1945
Bobby Doerr Turning a Play at Second, 1939
Babe Ruth, Three Bats and a Game Face
Gabby Hartnett and Charlie Grimm, 1937
Mule Suttles & Effa Manley, 1937