Chicago Cubs Starting Pitchers, 1918

Source: Unknown, and assumed to be in the public domain

Photo Subject: The starting pitchers for the 1918 Chicago Cubs: Lefty Tyler, Hippo Vaughn, Phil Douglas and Claude Hendrix

Fun Fact: Pitching dominated the 1918 World Series with the Boston Red Sox rotation of Babe Ruth, Bullet Joe Bush, Carl Mays and Sad Sam Jones squaring-off against the Chicago Cub staff of Hippo Vaughn, Lefty Tyler, and Phil Douglas. An anemic 19 runs were scored for the entire series and the Red Sox won four games to two with a combined team batting average of .186

While there was no solid evidence, rumors persist that the Cubs threw the 1918 World Series. According to 1920 testimony from “Black” Sox pitcher Eddie Cicotte, he knew of a Cub or a number of Cubs who were offered $10,000 to throw the 1918 Series.

Painting Detail: Printed on 13” x 19” canvas and painted using Schmincke Mussini and Marshall’s oil paints. Finer details, such and the pinstripes were made using Prismacolor pencils.