Casey Stengel, Manager of the Boston Bees, 1938

Photographer: Charles Conlon

Photo Subject: Portrait of Hall of Fame manager, Casey Stengel.

Fun Fact: Casey Stengel was the legendary manager for several MLB teams, and had his best success managing the New York Yankees, from 1949 to 1960 winning ten pennants and seven World Series titles. He was also well known for his humorous quotes and antics. For example, after being fired by the Yankees when he attained age 70 . . . “I’ll never make the mistake of being 70 again”.

One of my favorite stories of Casey is how he once enforced curfew during spring training. Since there was only one elevator in the hotel where the team was staying, after curfew, he gave a baseball to the elevator operator and asked him to collect autographs for a kid. In the morning, Casey retrieved the ball and found it had four autographs. He fined each signer $50 for violating curfew.

Painting Detail: Printed on 8-1/2 ” x 11” canvas and painted using Schmincke Mussini and Marshall’s oil paints. Finer details were made using Prismacolor pencils.