1913 World Series Game at the Polo Grounds

Source: Library of Congress Photo and Image Collection

Photographer: George Grantham Bain Collection

Photo Subject: The end of the third game of the 1913 World Series where the Philadelphia Athletics defeated the New York Giants 8-2.

Fun Fact: For the three-year period from 1911 to 1913, the New York Giants dominated the National League winning three consecutive pennants. Their luck against the American League pennant winners, the Athletics and the Red Sox, was not so good as they lost three consecutive World Series to their AL opponents.

It is an odd coincidence that the Athletics and the Giants would meet again in the World Series, but not the Philadelphia or New York versions. In 1989 the San Francisco Giants played the Oakland Athletics as cross-bay rivals. As with the 1913 Series, the Athletics beat the Giants, this time in a four-game sweep.

Painting Detail: Printed on 13” x 19” canvas and painted using Schmincke Mussini; finer details were created using Prismacolor pencils.